Homeopathy is a natural, safe and effective system of medicine, which works by stimulating the body's own healing processes to promote health, resist infection and reduce susceptibility to disease.
Homeopathy for Eczema
Homeopathy treatment for eczema works by boosting the immune system and restoring the body to rebalance and strengthen in order to stop the triggers for eczema.
If you are tired of using steroid creams and wish to take a more holistic approach to your health, homeopathy is wonderful for eczema and other skin conditions. Your skin is a reflection of your whole health. The skin is the largest elimination organ and therefore if the bowel or gut are imbalanced this will reflect through the skin.
I treat many children and adults with severe skin conditions and allergic reactions. I take a holistic approach to health and we will look at all aspects of the body to ensure we clear the system and restore health.
Homeopathy for Hormones
Your hormones effect you every day of the month. If you have a hormonal imbalance, everything will feel out of kilter. Hormones effect our mood, energy levels and confidence.
Taking a natural approach to hormone health will provide long lasting results. You do not to feel pain or experience fatigue and low mood when leading up to a period or menstruating. This is common when take the Contraceptive Pill or Mirena Coil however if you decide to use homeopathy you are encouraging your body to rebalance and restore for itself and from within.
Homeopathy for Anxiety
Ours has been called the Age of Anxiety, with pervasive and personal and societal reasons for insecurity and doubts.
Physical symptoms include stomach upsets, headaches, palpitations, increased blood pressure and sweating. Phobias can also be common, taking the form of specific fears, social phobia (fear when with people), agrophobia (fear of going out). A special category of anxiety is OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which drives impulses and ritual behaviour which must be performed in order to ease the feelings of anxiousness.
Most common however is generalised anxiety with an overwhelming accumulation of everyday cares, worries and anticipation and the physical symptoms to go with it.
Skin problems: eczema, psoriasis, impetigo, acne, rosacea, dandruff
Stress: palpitations, blood pressure, insomnia, tension headaches.
Emotional trouble: grief, depression, anxiety, irritability, insecurity, difficulties with concentration.
Psychological problems: addictions, panic attacks and phobias, post-traumatic stress syndromes, eating disorders.
Behavioural disturbances in children: ADD/ADHD, bed-wetting, nightmares, tantrums, shyness.
Injuries and joint troubles: RSI, sprains, rheumatism and arthritis.
Infections: tendency to repeated infections, upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, flu, glandular fever, post viral fatigue, childhood contagious illnesses.
Viral infections: ME/post viral fatigue syndrome, hepatitis, shingles, herpes, warts.
Allergies: eczema, asthma, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, food sensitivities, candida.
Digestive and bowel problems: IBS, indigestion, ‘leaky gut', gastric ulcer, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
Urinary tract problems: cystitis, thrush, kidney disorders.
Headaches: sick headaches, migraine, congestion.
Neurological problems: neuralgia, MS, epilepsy.
Hormonal disturbances: during adolescence and menopause; menstrual problems, PMT, cysts, rosacea, infertility, thyroid function (overactive/underactive)
Pregnancy problems: nausea, back pain, anaemia, diabetes
To discuss how homeopathy can help you, please contact me directly on 07973 367517.